Five Methods to Handle Common Postnatal Issues

Your body has just experienced one of the most extraordinary things it will ever go through; giving birth to another human being. Regardless of how your delivery went, taking the time to let your body recover from the childbirth is a must.

The period after giving birth, also known as the postnatal, comes with its fair share of problems. Modern mothers often source for a helping hand from confinement nanny services to ensure their newborn is well taken care of during the postpartum period, thus they have more time to care for their recovery without worrying about her wellbeing.

If you feel worried, sad, anxious, and totally exhausted, know that you are not alone. You are most likely experiencing baby blues. Baby blues are characterised by feelings of exhaustion, mild anxiety, insomnia, feelings of uncertainty towards motherhood, and bouts of inexplicable weeping. If any of these feelings persist for long, you might be suffering from postnatal depression which affects one in seven new moms.

Dealing with the postpartum period may be somewhat difficult for new moms. While there is some medication that can help, there are also many other alternatives that you can do to manage your condition and cope every day. Here are some tried-and-proven methods for dealing with postnatal problems.

Take Care of Yourself

It’s important that you look after yourself during the postpartum period. Here are some of the things you may want to adopt in your lifestyle to better your health and mood.

  • Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You need to eat a lot of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Examples include oily fish such as salmon and herring. These foods may help reduce the threat of postnatal depression.

  • Nap

Sure, your baby may have erratic sleep patterns. In this case, you should also try getting some sleep when your baby sleeps.

Lack of enough sleep may leave you both physically and emotionally exhausted which may lead to depression. You may need a confinement nanny to look after your baby while you enjoy a nap.

Contact a confinement agency today and inquire about the cost of a confinement nanny in Singapore before hiring a nanny.

  • Pamper Yourself

Leave your baby under the care of a nanny or a close friend and take some time out to pamper yourself. You can catch up on your favourite TV show or go out for a nice dinner.


Five Methods to Handle Common Postnatal Issues - PEM

Findings reveal that physical exercise may help deal with postnatal blues. You will get to achieve improved emotional health plus ease the signs of mild depression.

Moreover, postnatal exercise also promotes better sleep and strengthens your abdominal muscles. You can begin with walking. A 20-30 minute stroll every day is good for your body.

Create a Support Network

Human beings are social by nature. New moms can cope with postnatal issues better by enjoying positive social interactions as well as emotional support from family and friends.

New mothers may sometimes experience a sense of loneliness in their new role of motherhood.

Loneliness often leads to feelings of disconnect and separation from others as though you don’t belong.

Conditions such as sleep disorders, high blood pressure, and reduced immunity are also associated with loneliness.

Forge new friendships and connections with other women who are also transitioning into motherhood.

It may be comforting to learn that others also share similar emotions, concerns, and insecurities.

Accept Help

Sure, you love to do house chores and have your house squeaky clean.

However, you may not be able to handle all those house chores when your baby arrives.

It is much easier to reach for help from your family members so that new mothers can spend more time caring for themselves as well as caring for their newborn.

Much of your time will be spent on taking care of your child. You need to agree to assistance from other parties.

For example, you can hire a confinement nanny to design and prepare a confinement menu for you and handle other house chores even as you take care of your baby. Read on how a professional nanny can help you.

Postnatal Massage

Postpartum massage is given to new moms for up to forty days after delivery. It has significant benefits for your psychological and physical well-being.

It helps alleviate sore spots after the process of childbirth. Massage also boosts the release of endorphins, which alleviate pain and are associated with good feelings.

Closing Words

Whichever you choose to do, make sure your body is comfortable enough to accept it.

Make sure you are not pushing yourself further, and instead you are just letting yourself gently go through the proper recovery period.

Here’s a pro-tip we’ll give you: while having a postnatal massage benefits mothers in confinement, you could most certainly lighten the load on your shoulders a bit further by hiring a day confinement nanny and this applies to all mothers in confinement Singapore.

All in all, we hope at least one of these methods would work for you!