What to Expect When Your EDD Is Approaching

As the EDD approaches, some of the common questions arising among first-time moms would probably be “What to prepare before labor?”, “How do I know if I am in the pre-labour period?”, “What do contractions feel like?”, and other similar questions that represent their mixed feelings of anxiousness and anticipation. 

It certainly isn’t helping and only doubles up the feelings when friends and family around you keep asking for updates when the EDD is near. So, a basic understanding of what’s going on or what is going to happen can help to ease yourself in that transition period.

Your baby:

So, what is your baby doing when you are waiting for his/her arrival? In weeks 37 – 40, the baby actually starts to practise simple movements such as blinking, head-turning, swallowing, kicking, and stretching. And these are the movements you can expect to see when a baby arrives! 

However, there would be a slight reduction of baby movement that you can feel because your baby would probably have a longer sleeping period and less space for movement. By 37-40th weeks of your pregnancy, the little one inside your tummy probably weighs 3-4kg!


Another basic idea you should have is that the time for your baby to be born does not necessarily fall on the week of given EDD. It is normal if your pregnancy passes the EDD but you should be aware that the life span of the baby placenta is limited. 

Once the pregnancy passes the life span, the oxygen and nutrients will no longer be transferred to your baby efficiently. Hence, visit your doctor more frequently when EDD is approaching as the mentioned situation can happen before or after EDD. 

Signs of Pre-Labour

Pre-labour gives you the early signs of labour. 

Cervix dilates: This is one of the early signs that would be included in your weekly check-up when the EDD is near. 

Cramps and back pain: When the EDD is approaching, you would feel more cramps and probably increased back pain as your muscle is shifting to the mode of birth preparation.

Baby starts to drop: Few weeks before your labour, your baby would start pushing down on your bladder and with the position of head down and low. 

Stop gaining weight: You would face the stopping or dropping weight a few weeks before labour, in which one of the reasons could be the low level of amniotic fluid. No worries, your baby will still gain weight. 

You May Also Read this : 3 Common Fears Pregnant Women Have & How To Overcome Them

Stop your work and pack your bag 

For working mom-to-be, it is advisable to have your maternity leave by week 37 of your pregnancy. It is because you need to be mentally and physically prepared for the transition. Also, it’s time to pack for your hospital bag. You may pack the non-perishable items for your labour and for your baby in the first 12 hours after he/she is born. 

Baby clothes:

To welcome your little one in a baby’s friendly environment, baby clothes need to be well prepared. You may wash the baby’s clothes and beddings before the baby is born. What to take note in this process is to choose natural fibre clothes as babies need to be wrapped in breathable fabrics. In addition, natural fibre bedding and cloth can ensure the baby stays warm and comfortable. 


To prevent last-minute anxiety, you are advised to get enough information that would assist in breastfeeding. You need to have an idea of common problems mommy would face in breastfeedings, such as improper latching, breast engorgement and poor milk supply – and how to encounter those situations. The information can be obtained by just simply chatting with an experienced mother or seeking professional advice. If you are a first-time mom and feel unsure of your confinement, hiring a nanny in Singapore might be a good choice! Confinement nanny usually helps in baby care, house chores, preparing meals and assisting in breastfeeding. You can secure a trained nanny before your labour so she can provide professional help right after you get back from the hospital!