PEM Confinement Nanny Agency Blogs

How to Plan Your Confinement Meals

Lady Having Confinement Meals

The confinement period is the most crucial time for recuperating from the journey of carrying a human inside you for nine months and then giving birth to him or her. When it comes to confinement, you know for sure that…

Foods to Avoid During Confinement Period

Nanny Playing with Newborn

The first month after childbirth is not only the period where you will begin to heal from delivery wounds but is also a time for your newborn to obtain all nutrients to grow healthily. Whatever you consume, chances are your…

8 Breast Care Tips for Nursing Mums

confinement nanny Singapore

1. Find the Perfect Bra Finding the perfect bra plays a crucial part, especially in a mummy’s daily lifestyle. You would not want to put on something that looks nice but is not comfortable for you in the long run.…

Breastfeeding Guide For First-Time Moms

First-Time Moms Doing Breastfeeding

Books say your child will reflexively know to suckle and root in the direction of your breast when you easily lead them to it. And yet, if thousands of mothers’ experiences are any indicator, that is not always the case.…

Simple Recipes for the Confinement Period

Confinement Food Recipe Singapore

Confinement period is very important for a woman, and she should take special care of her diet during this time. A healthy and nutritious diet will help her body heal naturally and quickly. Is finding a good confinement food recipe…