Step-By-Step to Getting Your Own Confinement Nanny

Picture this. You are a mother who had recently given birth, probably about 2 weeks ago. You are still healing from your childbirth, so you lie and get comfortable in bed. Not even 10 minutes later, you start hearing cries coming from the other room. 

You wish there is someone else who could attend to the source of that cry, but you recognise those cries. It’s the hungry cry and you are the only person carrying their food. So, you have no choice but to drag yourself out of bed to feed them. The cries gradually subdue but it seems like you are in an endless cycle of attending to your crying newborn, feeding them, and not getting enough rest.

Before you know it, you are not sure whose cries are louder – your baby’s or yours. Sounds familiar? Unfortunately, this scenario is beyond familiar for far too many new mothers.

What Does a New Mom Need?

Ask yourself – as a soon-to-be or new mommy, what do you need the most? Many of you might agree in unison that you could never get enough ‘break’. So, that’s what you need – a break! While getting little to no rest is highly common among new mothers, it shouldn’t be further normalised. Rest is extremely crucial in making sure your recovery is going according to plan. 

In order to get ample rest and recover well, you can get extra helping hands from the people around you and one help, in particular, is a night and day time confinement nanny Singapore moms highly recommend. Not sure where to start? Here’s a complete guide on how to get the right confinement nanny for you!

Start Early

Start planning your confinement months before your EDD, or even when you and your partner are planning to conceive. Why? Because a good confinement lady’s service always gets booked up fast. If you expect another person to set one month of their year aside to serve you, you have to book them as early as possible. 

Consulting an agency would be highly in your favour if you are one to make last-minute decisions. However, booking at the very last minute also may cause the rate to spike up. If you can, plan the conception date so that your EDD would not fall during the holiday season. Keep in mind that a confinement nanny’s service rate during the holidays can go up to double their original price.

Observe Your Circumstances

Know that if you plan to get a live-in nanny, no matter for how long, you have to house her. This means beyond just providing physical space. You have to calculate and be able to afford the cost of having another adult living with you for about a month. That means daily meals, utility cost, and others. Getting a live-out nanny does not necessarily mean you are spared from having to pay the extra cost. In actuality, if you are getting a confinement nanny who is not local or lives far, you may have to pay more for her stay somewhere near your place.

Compare Prices to Your Budget

The best way to go over this is by browsing through related forums to find competitive prices. However, such information can be outdated. After all, parents have gone way back when it comes to posting and sharing such information online. As long as you can keep track of the posting dates, you should be able to get the most current estimation of the price you are going to have to pay. Additionally, it is also wise to drop a question or two for other parents and couples in those forums. This way, you could get a direct and crystal clear answer. Want even more accurate answers? Contact your preferred confinement center in Singapore and just ask away!

Freelancer vs Agency

You may already have a list of freelance confinement nannies recommended by your family members, peers, or relatives. However, going merely by recommendations can be tricky. No two people can have the same experience with the same confinement lady. In fact, it can be the total opposite. 

To give you an example, Mother A may think nanny A is serving her well because she did not require as much assistance after delivery and only wanted a chef to prepare confinement meals. Mother A proceeds to introduce nanny A to mother B who needs a helping hand that can give more than food. As you may expect, mother B does not find nanny A to be able to tend to all her needs. This is why it is important for you to be clear about what you want in your confinement nanny. Then, you can go through the candidates one by one and judge for yourself.

You May Also Read this : Getting a Confinement Nanny Who Fits in With Your Lifestyle

The rate for a freelance confinement nanny is often negotiable. However, it is common for freelancers to not have regulated rules and guidelines. Where you negotiate prices, they may negotiate the job scope. Not to mention, if you are getting a confinement nanny from neighbouring countries, you may need to settle the matters regarding their work permit. 

Getting a confinement lady from an agency can be much easier because a lot of things are guaranteed, like their arrival after your delivery as well as their replacements. If you wish to get one from an agency, rank or categorise them according to the aspects that matter the most to you so it is easier for you to weigh the options. Shortlist them until it comes down to about three top agencies. 

After that, you can ring up these places one by one and get the most information possible about confinement lady Singapore moms normally hire. That said, make sure to list down your questions BEFORE you begin calling up any places. You can then make a better and more standardised comparison. If you aren’t really sure how to begin, create a comparison table! Here’s an example of what you can create:

AspectAgency Agency A Agency B Agency B
Nanny Services Available      
Price rate per month      
Nanny’s job scope      
Additional perks in the package      


Once you have figured these out, you’re good to go! Ready to find confinement nanny that will make your confinement period less stressful and hassle-free? Reach out to us at PEM so we can help and guide you better!