Five Post-Pregnancy Feelings You Have Not Been Warned About

You have finally met your newborn. You felt the kicks and movements during your second and third trimesters; kicks that sometimes felt like she was in a Taekwondo competition! You, at times, could not sleep due to fatigue, numerous visits to the loo, hot pain on your legs… The list is endless. The countdown to meeting her just seemed too long. But the day is finally here.

Labour kicked when you least expected and prayed that she could just hold on for you to get to your doctor. When it’s all done, you are overjoyed that the discomfort is finally over! You can enjoy your sleep, catch a movie and even enjoy an evening stroll in your hood, or so you thought! Your motherhood journey has just begun. Your life will take a different turn, and your perception will change. The things that mattered to you before the baby came may no longer mean as much to you.  You will go through an unfamiliar road with events that you may not have thought would happen. Don’t worry though. We explore some of the feelings that your friends did not warn you about after delivery. Read on:

Life after the baby takes a drastic change that may push you to sadness but here’s the thing: you are not sad about your baby. No! The baby has nothing to do with it and it is absolutely normal. You will cry more often at the slightest provocation. You will even cry for nothing! However, if the feeling is too overwhelming, consider seeking help. The people around you should also be on the lookout just to ensure it’s not postpartum depression. You can even confide in your spouse or friend about your feelings. Their assurance is crucial to help you through the phase.

Mothers have the interests of their children at heart. That’s why you took all that time to make your postnatal visits to the doctor just to ensure the baby is fine. You even took the best diet and topped it up with supplements to ensure the unborn child is healthy. However, once she is born, you may start doubting abilities as a mother. Once you look at the fragility of your baby, questions of self-doubt will go through your mind. Am I good enough to handle the baby? Am I giving her the correct care? Do I bathe her right? How do I cradle the baby? These are some questions that will go through your mind. Relax. Rest assured you are doing everything possible to ensure the best welfare for your little angel.

The feeling of fear will overtake you at least for the first three months of your baby’s life. You will always be on the lookout just in case the baby is not comfortable. If you were used to sleeping like a log, that will be a luxury. You will literally sleep with one eye open. You fear the baby may choke, overheat, catch a cold, fall; the list is endless. You will even fear bathing the little fellow because you are not sure how to handle her fragile body. You can seek support from experienced people on how to handle your baby. Hire the best confinement nanny singapore to guide you on the best practices when it comes to infant care. They have the necessary skills and experience.

Babies can be demanding thereby leaving you to feel helpless. They may demand your attention all night and still expect you to have the energy to nurse them during the day. Their survival depends on you. If she wailed the entire night and you did not sleep even for a minute, you will wake up looking like you just came from the Olympic marathon – too tired and with puffy red eyes. You feel helpless and caged. To top it all off, your family will be waiting for you to make their meals and attend to their needs. Do not kill yourself with too much housework. When the pressure is too much, order your food from confinement catering food singapore companies and enjoy a mouthwatering nutritious meal right at your doorstep.

The transition to motherhood is not an easy one. Far from what we see from celebrities or soap operas, the untold story of the transition can take you by surprise. However, the good news is that it will pass. You will soon start running around the house, playing hide and seek with the once fragile and helpless baby. When it gets too much, open up or seek professional help. Try to be positive and you will enjoy your motherhood journey.

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