How to Manage a Confinement Nanny When You Hire One

The first and most essential thing for a mother after pregnancy and birth would be the recovery period, also known as the confinement period in Eastern cultures or postpartum in the West, which typically lasts from 30 to 44 days going by cultural standards in Singapore. It goes 30 days for Chinese, 40 days for Indians, and the longest of 44 days for Malays, although oftentimes the elderly would suggest prolonging the period in order for the mother to fully recuperate from the birthing ordeal which can potentially bring complications to her body and health should adequate rest not be achieved.

It is during this period when confinement nannies are sought after. That lady who will cook and look after you will almost seem like an angel in disguise. Doing all that work while you rest, she won’t come cheap, would she?

Confinement Nanny Price in Singapore 

A confinement nanny is there to answer to your needs and wellbeing. Ample compensation should be given without a doubt. But how do you know if what you’re paying is sufficient or lacking? 

The market price for a confinement nanny ranges from S$2-5 thousand for a period of 28 days. The reason why the price has quite a gap is that it goes hand in hand with the confinement nanny’s duties, qualifications, and employer’s situation, amongst other things, which include the following:- 

  1. Food. Will the nanny be cooking just for you, or will she also be cooking for other family members under the same roof?
  2. Duration and period. Is the nanny only going to care for you for the 28 days or longer? Is your confinement period around Chinese New Year? Then, you’ll have to know that the price includes a red packet or ‘angbao’ money, or you have to give it separately as an additional token of gratitude.
  3. Number of children. If you have older children, do they need to be taken care of by the nanny as well? If so, how many of them?
  4. Number of babies. Twins, triplets, or more will make the cost of hiring a confinement nanny higher due to the doubled or tripled job load.
  5. Level of training. Has the nanny undergone hospital training before? Because that allows her to charge a higher price tag.
  6. Agency and nature. The pricing also differs, sometimes exponentially, between part-time, daytime, and full-time, and also between an agency’s and freelance confinement nanny.
  7. Home country. Does your nanny come from Singapore or Malaysia? The latter can be favoured due to lower costs, but there are other expenses to factor in like a temporary work permit, medical insurance, and perhaps medical checkup should you require it for her.

It would be good to note that many aspects are taken into account when it comes to hiring a confinement nanny, which explains why the cost of hiring one can escalate. But you do get what you pay for as it is worth securing your health for the long run.

So, speaking of confinement nannies, it begets the question: Is a confinement nanny necessary?

Going with Chinese tradition, yes, it is necessary to get a confinement nanny. However, there are cultures that beg to differ, even on the importance of confinement for that matter. For instance, the confinement period generally is non-existent in Western cultures while the Japanese do not believe in confinement nannies. In fact, mothers from those cultures actually get only a few days of rest and are back to their busy lives of working adults or as homemakers right off the bat. 

This might make you wonder, do I really need a confinement nanny then if getting one appears to be ‘optional’ in the grand scale of things? Perhaps I could do away with this tradition and do it all on my own.

Now, getting a confinement nanny will have a more significant impact on your body than you think. She’s there to take care of your needs, of your rest, and of your health, for you to make a complete recovery, and there is nothing more significant than that after giving birth (other than, of course, the baby). This is because pregnancy takes a huge toll on the body. Without the right tools and assistance, one could suffer from long-term aches and pains that come during the confinement period that never really go away.

Managing Confinement With a Confinement Nanny

So, you’ve hired a confinement nanny and now she’s at your doorstep. She’s experienced, she’s pumped up, and you’re… lost. What do you say? What do you do to manage? It all boils down to one word—boundaries.

While the confinement nanny can act as a caregiver to your newborn, her primary task is to aid you in the process of recovery, not being a babysitter. It is easy to confuse her role when a new mother is still learning the ropes of being one and needing all the help she can get. 

But not to worry. One tip to help with the blurring lines would be to allow your confinement nanny to place you as a priority, and the baby yours. If your baby cries, needs a bath, or is hungry, it should be your job to soothe, bathe, and feed. Whereas if you’re feeling uncomfortable, needing to take it slow, or simply wanting to chat, she is there to provide support. This way, there are precious mother and child bonding times and the baby does not get too attached to the nanny, making it easier on both mother and baby when the time comes for her to leave. 

That being said, there is nothing wrong with the confinement nanny offering a helping hand at times whilst sharing her experience at handling babies as there is a lot to learn and understand. Mothers do need assurance that they’re doing a good job after all. The key to conquering the confinement period is to be confident, self-assured, and optimistic that whatever you’re doing is a job well done while ensuring your body is on the mend. And with a confinement nanny around, she’ll make it that much easier.

You May Also Read this : Why Your Family Will Thank You for Hiring a Confinement Nanny