Four Ways First-time Mothers Can Gain Useful Advice

It is always every woman’s dream to hold her new bundle of joy. Once the baby arrives, your parenting journey begins. If you are a first time mother, life for the first three months or the fourth trimester can be real a roller coaster. You will soon realize carrying your pregnancy was easier than the fourth trimester. Not all the things you read in different magazines and pregnancy blogs may seem relevant. All babies are different and what works for others may not necessarily work for yours. However, the beauty about your motherhood journey is that you will learn on the job. As you cuddle the baby, you will understand what works. You will know her sleep pattern, which diaper brands work, which skin care products to use and when to feed. You will also realize that you may have to adjust your routine to that of your baby to follow her sleep patterns. This will keep you sane and ensure you have adequate rest.

However, if you are still wondering how to walk the journey, here are guidelines on where you can get reliable advice on your new motherhood:

Experienced mothers

Nothing teaches you better than experience. Seeking help from those who have walked the journey before you is an excellent starting point. The experienced mothers have an idea of different conditions that may affect your baby and how to deal with them. They will guide you on how to latch correctly, how to soothe your baby to sleep and how to dress your baby correctly. An older relative is an excellent starting point. She will hold your hand and ensure your motherhood journey is great. You can even join a parenting group within your community. Such a group includes experienced mothers who will watch your back and give valuable advice.


Your baby’s pediatrician is an excellent resource. The doctor did not spend years in medical school for nothing. Though you will get all sorts of street advice on how best to care for your baby, the pediatrician will always be there to validate this information. Whenever you are unsure of any information you’ve come across, give him or her a call. You will receive professional advice on what to do. One thing about babies is that you cannot experiment especially when their health is concerned. If the baby has a cold, rushing to the drug store is not your starting point. Give the doctor a call. He will give you the right prescription or tell you how to handle the baby.


Working with professional caregivers is your best bet. With years of experience handling newborns and even older children, they have the necessary information on all you need and how to go about it. They know how to guide you when weaning, possible reasons why your baby is fussy and what to do in case of fever. They will also help you in case of an emergency since they have the requisite first aid skills. You can get an experienced caregiver from a confinement centre. Once you explain your needs, they will give you the right person. The beauty of such centres is that they vet their trainees before dispatching them to your home. Therefore, rest assured you have the right person in your home.

The internet

You will get most of your answers from Google and other search engines. Read motherhood blogs, check out magazines and useful articles about parenting and motherhood. However, when scanning through, ensure you are getting information from authoritative sources and avoid the gutter press. When in doubt, talk to a professional. You can also subscribe to some sites that have information that would interest you. They will always give you an alert when there is a new publication. Take time and go through it to keep yourself abreast with everything motherhood-related.

After all is said, your maternal instincts are the thing that will always guide you. Though you will receive numerous advice from all those around you, sieving through the information is your duty. With time, you will learn what works for your baby and what doesn’t. It’s not a tough journey. You will soon learn the tricks and enjoy motherhood like a pro!

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