The Harsh Reality of Postpartum Depression

Many women may think that they suffer from mood swings after giving birth; when the reality is that they are likely suffering from postpartum depression. Depression may be accompanied by a few other symptoms like a difficult time concentrating, loss of appetite, insomnia and several others. If you or a loved one just gave birth to a baby, it may be time for you to start looking out for these symptoms. The postpartum symptoms start about 3 to 4 days after delivery. If the symptoms persist even after a week or two, it is time for you to act by seeking medical help.

Postpartum depression is not a flaw in you; it is an illness that can be treated with medicines and therapies. Remember that it is nothing more than an imbalance of hormones.

Why Should You Seek Medical Attention?

Postpartum depression is a disease, just like other diseases. To get rid of it, you may need several therapies or in some cases, anti-depressants.

Symptoms to Look Out for;

  1. Loss of interest in the daily pleasures of life
  2. Not feeling hungry
  3. Feeling demotivated
  4. Unable to fall asleep, or staying asleep
  5. Crying for no reason
  6. Fear of hurting your baby

Who is at Risk?

There are various factors that lead to a woman suffering from depression. Some of them are:

  • Previous experience of postpartum depression
  • Depression otherwise
  • A difficult marriage
  • PMS

What Triggers the Depression?

Although the exact reason is still unknown, many people believe that there are certain hormonal changes in the body right after childbirth. These hormonal imbalances produce some chemicals in the brain that lead to depression

What Can You Do?

  • First of all, relax! You are not alone. You have your family and friends to take care of you, and the baby is fine. You need to find a person you can confide in and talk to them about your feelings.
  • Secondly, get in contact with a confinement agency. They will take care of the baby, lessening some of your burden.
  • Keep yourself busy. Go for a walk, read, exercise and don’t let your mind wander.
  • It’s ok to be sad, but don’t let it ruin your day. Remember, childbirth brings a lot of changes in a woman’s life, and this is just one of them.
  • Don’t try to be a Supermom and do everything by yourself. You should not be embarrassed to ask for help, as there is no shame in doing so.
  • If there’s a support group near your home, contact them, as there is no reason for you to bottle up all your emotions. A support group may also be able to offer you valuable advice on how to deal with some problems you are facing.

You should not lose hope if you suffer from postpartum depression, as there are several treatment options available. It’s just a matter of time before you fully recover. In the meantime, consult with a specialist and hire a confinement nanny to take care of your baby while you focus on your own health.

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