Healthy Tips for Postpartum Weight Loss

The nine months are finally over, and your baby is here. The arrival of your baby completely changes you and your life, and every decision you make revolves around the welfare of your child. With your child here, the life you had before the child came is long gone, and you now have to embrace motherhood that comes along with new concerns and priorities.

In the midst of all the anxiety to care for your baby, you may end up forgetting your personal goals such as your health and your general outlook. You will inevitably gain weight during your pregnancy, and the weight may not go away after the birth of your child. In fact, it appears to be on the increase and you have no choice but to make a complete wardrobe change since all your clothes no longer fit.

Many mothers feel helpless about this situation and that often leads them to use unorthodox ways of losing their postpartum weight. Sometimes, your friends may give you their own advice about losing weight quickly which can be harmful to your body. Do not lose your sanity about your situation. There are healthy ways that you can embrace and lose weight while remaining healthy. Here are some of the tips you can use to help you lose weight.

Avoid dieting
If you are considering dieting during your postpartum period, you will be working against any efforts to lose weight. Your body needs all the vital nutrients to produce milk for your baby. Therefore, instead of dieting, eat balanced meals. The good news is that as you breastfeed, your body will be burning fats. It will require more energy to make more milk for the baby. Dieting will deny your child the essential nutrients he needs for proper growth and development.

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Do not eat for two
Hunger pangs will strike once you start breastfeeding. Your body will demand more food, and you may find yourself eating lots of food. Such a move will work against all your efforts to get back to shape. Instead of filling your plate with loads of food, consider eating small regular meals throughout the day.

Do not wait until your body starts demanding for food. Fill up your kitchen with fruits and vegetables that you can snack on during the day. Before you deliver, go out shopping with your confinement nanny and she can tell you what you will require once the baby comes. Buy healthy nuts, fruits, and vegetables. They are rich in fiber and will help in digestion. Therefore, remember to exercise portion control in all your meals.

Stay hydrated
Keep your body hydrated throughout the day. You are likely to experience constipation after childbirth. You may also sweat a lot, especially at night. To control, indigestion, take lots of water and soups. There are excellent confinement soups and recipes in Singapore. Get information and tips from the internet, a confinement centre or even engage a confinement nanny to help in preparing them for you. They will help speed up your recovery and keep your body hydrated. Taking water before meals will also give you a feeling of fullness hence helping you with your portion control.

Light exercise
It may be difficult for you to resume exercise immediately. Do not pressure yourself. Take some time to rest before you start on any exercise regime. You also have the young one to think about, so stepping out for a workout may be difficult.

However, once you feel strong enough and the bleeding has stopped, you can engage in exercise. Start with a light walk in the evening or during the morning hours. Increase the pace to a brisk walk as your body adapts and improves tolerance. The walk will also be an excellent time for you to clear your mind and enjoy some time alone.

Use these simple tips to help you lose the baby fat after delivery. However, remember not to stress over your weight too much. It is likely to take up to eighteen months or even longer, to get back to shape. Therefore, exercise patience and allow your body to heal. If you delivered through cesarean section, remember to talk to your doctor before engaging in any form of exercise.