Experiences about the Fourth Trimester that You Do Not Know

Conception is an awesome feeling! Once the journey kicks off, you have to go through the various stages and a load of not so good experiences such as morning sickness, foods to avoid during pregnancy and hormonal changes that almost leaves you as a wreck. 

Most mothers confess feeling abnormal and that they no longer understand their bodies anymore; this is expected. Endless sleepless nights and back pain during contractions do not make it any better. Some even confessed they had to change their walking styles and started walking like ducks! However, amidst the mixed feelings, fatigue and insomnia, new mothers look forward to meeting their child for the first time at the labour ward.

Once the baby comes, you think the longest part is over, and it is time to enjoy bonding with your little angel. However, you still need to hang on there because you have the fourth trimester for mom to face. We all focus on the first nine months of pregnancy. However, once the baby is born, the new mother has to deal with the new reality of confronting the fourth trimester. To ensure the period does not catch you off guard, here is what to expect in your fourth trimester:

The Bleeding

You may think that the bleeding will end after your delivery. If it does, you are lucky. However, you may experience heavy bleeding that may extend for a couple of days before it finally comes to a stop. Your regular pads will not do you any good during the first few weeks after your delivery. Otherwise, you may end up staining every furniture you sit on. You may even stain your bedsheets from time to time when the flow is too much. Therefore, as you prepare for your baby’s coming, visit stores around Singapore and stock up maternity pads or even adult diapers that will take you through the period.


You will still experience contractions long after your delivery. You may feel like you went through enough of the contractions during labour, but truthfully, the storm is not over. The contractions may be especially intense when breastfeeding. Your uterus will be trying to get back to its original shape and size and that may result in cramps as well.

You may still look pregnant

After giving birth, you will still look pregnant – it’s normal and most people will, too. Your body took nine months to prepare and accommodate life. It will take time for it to spring back to shape as well. All you need is to embrace your postpartum body and appreciate the fact that you have given birth to a child. Love the stretch marks, the saggy looking belly, and your new weight. They are the hallmark of motherhood.

You may not get as much support

Pregnant mothers receive care and protection during the nine months of pregnancy. You may have received preferential treatment in most of the public places you visited while pregnant. You enjoyed jumping the queue in shopping malls, and even from food vendors. Once you give birth, the treatment will fade away. All the people who were always at your disposal when you were pregnant will feel that you are now in a position to run your errands and care for your baby. The truth is that during the fourth trimester, you are still as fragile as you were when pregnant. You are recovering from the trauma of childbirth, and you equally need support. You should be in confinement to allow your body adequate time to recover and bond with your baby. You can talk to your spouse to arrange for a confinement nanny before delivery. That way, you will not be strained too much in your fourth trimester.

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Most pregnant mothers endure endless sleepless nights, especially from the third trimester. Sleep becomes more elusive than ever before. When it does come, they have to keep visiting the toilet, and once you start falling asleep, it is daybreak. The pattern may continue or even get worse in the fourth trimester. You will be worried about your baby, and you will wake up so many times in the middle of the night to nurse and even change diapers. The child will be extremely needy during this time and may always want you to cuddle him. You will wish the little one will sleep soundly, but he will be looking you straight in the eye and in no hurry to go back to sleep. Learn all the musical tunes you can! Your baby will need to listen to them as you brave the night together.

You can ease the pressure of the fourth trimester by hiring a confinement nanny. Check around for confinement centres in Singapore and hire one who will suit your needs and help you manage your home as you recover.