Confinement Herbal Soup

Childbirth and delivery occur in a matter of hours or even days. This process involves contractions until the baby and placenta come out. After birth, the mother needs intensive rehabilitation care in her confinement period.

Proper eating habits will help recovery quickly after childbirth. For 9 months the food consumed plays a role in fetal growth. After giving birth, diet is also just as important to help the body recover and restore energy.

There are some things, especially Chinese herbal soups that should be consumed after childbirth or during confinement for quick recovery. These foods should be included in your confinement food menu.

After months of pregnancy and having to undergo a ‘pregnancy diet’, now is the time for Moms to want to return to enjoying a delicious confinement food menu. However, keep in mind, these foods must remain nutritious so that breast milk is of good quality and the body returns to shape.

What foods should be taken during the confinement period?

When looking for the right confinement food to eat or add to your confinement food recipe you need to consider some certain things. After giving birth, the body condition will weaken. The digestive system is weakened because there is an energy imbalance in the body, which is exacerbated by a lack of sleep and erratic eating patterns due to the sleep cycle of untrained babies.

In addition, your body also is also undergoing unfamiliar changes. From your new figure and overall physical condition that gets easily tired to vaginal changes (if you give birth normally), these are all things you may have never experienced before throughout your whole life.

It is important for mothers to ensure that the food taken during the confinement period consists of various types and is balanced according to the recommendations of the Singaporean Food Pyramid.

Maternal nutritional needs can be referred to as the Postpartum Diet.

This is important to ensure that all the necessary nutrient requirements can be obtained to restore maternal health as well as successful breastfeeding.

Where can I get Confinement Herbal Soup in Singapore?

 It is through the virtual route that the PEM Confinement Nanny Agency Singapore comes to brighten up this period of confinement with special confinement herbal soup.

The custom of confinement advises new mothers to choose energy and protein-rich foods to restore energy levels, help reduce the size of the uterus, and for the perineum to heal. On top of all these, choosing your confinement food properly can also help in the production of breast milk. 

Some mothers choose to only start consuming special herbal food after all the lochia is discharged. They have their own reasons, but it all goes back to your preference. If you are concerned about certain aspects of confinement diet, make sure to seek opinions and advice from professional medical experts.

Confinement Herbal Soups Boost Antibodies

There’s a reason why you will always spot herbal soups in confinement food menus. Herbal confinement food recipes are often formulated with various herbal ingredients, following Traditional Chinese Medicine recommendations. Our herbal soup is prepared to meet the needs of the recovering mother in accordance with her healing stage.

Our confinement herbal soups are specially formulated to assist new mothers in replenishing their blood and energy lost during delivery. Originating from the Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts of “Yin Yang” 阴阳 and balance of “Qi” 气, our herbal soup concoction focuses on nourishing your blood, enhancing breast milk production, increasing vitality, calming nerves, boosting hair growth, and also promoting healthy weight loss. 

This ensures that postpartum moms will receive sufficient nutrients that help to restore their body condition and energy. Confinement herbal soup is part of our Confinement Herbal Package. To help you recover better, these daily herbal soups will be prepared for you by our confinement nanny.

This package comprises different herbal recipes and the soups are not bitter on the tongue, have a delicious and fragrant taste so that you will not feel bored when eating it. If you want to know more about it, simply reach us at PEM and ask away!