Post-Natal Confinement Practice: The Do’s and Dont’s

The image of a lovely mother caressing her daughter’s hair will make every woman smile. Scrolling down the social network and seeing many cute babies often brings out the inner motherly feeling that everyone has. However, little did they know, getting cute babies translates to long and hard work, from morning sickness during your pregnancy, labour pain to postnatal confinement. The process is not as easy as you think. Here are some of the dos and don’ts that will help you through your confinement practice.

Post-natal confinement practice

It is very important for women who just gave birth to go through a post-natal confinement practice. Why? Simply because this is the only time when you can fully rest and let your body heal. If you were not careful enough after giving birth, you might end up getting some diseases such as excessive bleeding, infections and vaginal discharges. Confinement practices are very common within the Asian populations and the normal duration of a postpartum confinement usually lasts up to 40-44 days and can also be done up to 100 days and 1 year for certain diets.

The Dos and The Don’t

1. Do get extra help

Having full rest is essential to ensure the full recovery of the mother’s body. During the confinement period, the mothers are most likely restricted from doing any house chores or works. That is why most people look to the option of hiring a confinement nanny as it will help ease up the housework. New mothers especially would find it awkward and need to learn a lot in preparing themselves for the new title. Therefore, the help from a confinement nanny would come in handy. They will help to bath the baby, feed them and take care of the mothers as well. With their help, mothers can have a good rest and recover faster. Carrying heavy loads or doing some heavy works are a big no-no as it will affect the uterus. Restrain yourself from doing any heavy works, at least for the first 100 days after childbirth.

2. Do have a proper diet

Taking care of your diet is very crucial during this confinement period. Most new mothers are only advised to drink Red Dates Tea, a refreshing confinement beverage. Different races have different practices but they do share the same opinions that some food such as chicken, beef and others have the “hot” and “cold” effects. Some even suggest avoiding eating certain vegetables as it will affect your veins – causing them to experience cramps or fever. Here, some confinement nannies would offer the service to prepare confinement diet for the new mothers. This is extremely helpful for new parents who have no idea what can and cannot be eaten.

3. Don’t consume cold drinks

New mothers are advised to avoid drinking any cold drinks for at least the first 100 days of your childbirth. Why is it necessary? In Chinese belief, the “cold” food will have effects on mothers’ spleen and stomach. In addition, the recovery process would also be more complicated and slower. Usually during confinement period, new mothers are advised to have Confinement beverage such as “Red Dates Tea” as mentioned in the previous point. The good news about not having ice or cold drinks is the fact that you will have a tremendous decrease in weight – say goodbye to post-baby weight!

You May Also Read this : What to Include in Your Daily Confinement Meals?

These are among the dos and the don’ts of postnatal confinement practices. Of course, there are more restrictions and taboos according to each race, you can find out more from your local Confinement Nanny Agency about them.