What Fruits to Avoid After C-Section?


Women who have C-sections face physical, emotional, and mental strain. C-section delivery is invasive, and mothers require a significant amount of time to recover. The mother’s diet is an important part of her recovery. While most people focus on diet during pregnancy, diet after delivery is frequently overlooked.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have known for thousands of years that certain foods can either cool or heat the body’s internal temperature. Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) were partnered as a result of this knowledge of the different energies of “warm” and “cool” foods.

TCM experts found the concept useful when approaching nutritional needs during different seasons, or when considering various human health issues, such as allergies and other ailments, and feeding different types of natural human energies, from hot to cool. Through dietary recommendations, these ancient experts applied this knowledge to their healing practices.

Their idea was simple and logical: some illnesses may be caused by imbalances in the body, and using food as medicine would help bring the body back into balance in the most natural and long-lasting way. Some beings ran hot, while others ran cool, and comfort could be found through balance. Their harmonious “yin and yang” concept was applied here, with the idea that health is a matter of maintaining a good internal balance through the foods we eat.

In today’s article, we will be looking at those concepts in more detail with what foods those include. In particular, TCM has advised mummies to avoid cooling foods or the Yin portion.

Yin Food

Cooling food, as the name implies, nourishes the yin and is appropriate for those who are suffering from excessive heat and toxins. Excessive heat causes a reddish complexion, dry mouth, irritation, and insomnia.

Some fruits in this category include: apples, grapefruit, kiwifruit, lemon, orange, pear, persimmon, strawberries, watermelon, mango, etc

What you really want to eat during this time are more warming foods and fruits which can be found in the Yang section.

Yang Food

Warming food nourishes the yang and is appropriate for people who get cold easily and are sensitive to cold temperatures. Such people have cold limbs, are easily tired, bloat easily after eating, and experience discomfort after eating or drinking cold things. It is also recommended for mothers going through recovery.

Some fruits in this category include guava, raspberry, apricot, cherry, chestnut, coconut meat, etc.

Here’s a bonus tip for all you mummies out there – there is one more category of foods and fruits that won’t particularly harm you nor are they particularly beneficial either. Take them more as a snack or to supplement your main diet instead. These foods and fruits are considered Neutral by TCM standards.

Neutral Food

These foods have no yin or yang properties and are appropriate for both body constitutions.

Some fruits in this category include: figs, goji, berries, grape, olive, papayam plum, lemon

What foods to have more?

A C-section recovery diet should include all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates. Meals prepared at home with fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts are ideal. Diet plans are tailored to each mother and designed with her nutritional needs in mind.

Vitamin-rich foods

These aid in the repair of damaged tissues by stimulating collagen production. They also have a lot of antioxidants in them. Vitamins can be found in fenugreek leaves, spinach, carrots, broccoli, avocado, oranges, strawberries, watermelon, and papaya. They also aid in the improvement of immunity.

Proteins, minerals, and calcium

These are required to promote cell growth and bone strength. Green vegetables, milk and dairy products, soya drinks, and fortified flour are all good calcium sources. Mineral-rich fruits include kiwi, grapes, banana, blueberries, cherries, mango, peach, and pear.

Iron-rich foods

These aid in the recovery of blood lost during delivery. Spinach, quinoa, chicken, ham, turkey, dried apricots, sesame and pumpkin seeds, peanuts, roasted almonds, and sunflower seeds should be included in the post-C-section diet.

Easily digestible foods

Yogurt, paneer, soups, and broths are all excellent snacking options. By combining them with fiber-rich foods like ragi, oats, green grammes, and pulses, you can avoid constipation, indigestion, gas, and bloating.

Lactogenic foods

Garlic, fennel seeds, sesame seeds, green leafy vegetables, and tulsi all help to maintain or increase the production and flow of breast milk and should be included liberally in the mother’s diet.


What Fruits to Avoid After C-Section (2)

Water and fluids such as herbal teas, soups, calcium-fortified drinks, and fruit juices can help relieve constipation.

Closing words

New mothers should take it slowly and gradually return to their normal diets. Consuming multiple smaller-portioned meals and chewing properly can aid digestion. Bear in mind that your recovery can also be greatly aided by the support of family and friends.