How to Hire a Confinement Nanny?

Time and tide wait for no one. Well, since most of us are working from home these days, we can’t still be sure about the tides (unless you live by the beach in which case, do let us know how the tides are doing). What we are painfully aware of, on the other hand, is that time most certainly does not wait for anyone.

The borders can close and the nation can go back into lockdown, but your pregnancy still progresses along. Of course, these days, the borders have reopened and we see the flow of traffic going into and out of the country, especially from the causeway. What we can’t be sure of (at the time of writing) is whether you have already given birth and/or are looking to hire a confinement nanny, but just don’t know how.


Difficult way

As with all things in life, there is the difficult way and then there’s the easy, breezy way to do things.

You can hire your confinement nanny in two primary ways. The hard way of hiring one yourself. Then there’s the easy way of going to a reputable agency and letting them sort out the paperwork for you!


Freelance confinement nannies

Since you are here reading this blog, we’ll go ahead and assume that you are looking to actually hire a confinement nanny as opposed to just reading this for some fun light activity that you’d sneak in on a lazy afternoon.

The first question you’d want to ask is one of the “Wh-” questions. Specifically, “Where?” Yes, where do you start looking for a confinement nanny?

They are everywhere to be found, actually, provided that you know where to look. The top three that are convenient enough for you would be – 1. Recommendations from others; 2. Chat groups or forums; and 3. Agencies (but we’ll cover this later).

For now, we want to focus on the first two – recommendations from other mummies and looking in groups or forums.

Now, before we get into any further detail, you’d be thinking one thing right now – “How much ah?

That’s a fair question to ask, but be fairly warned that prices may not always reflect the quality of the care.

From our sources, we have found that freelance confinement nannies can be quite pricey and the range would be anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000. That’s not inclusive of additional costs like their work permit, levy, added fee per baby, gratuity, transportation, medical insurance, health tests, etc.



Now that the price is out of the way, let’s talk about the process. You’ve gone online and you’ve found a few candidates. Either that or you’ve gotten several recommendations from other mummies. Whichever way you went, you’ve now got some prospective nannies that you’d potentially want to hire.

Well, what’re you waiting for? Contact them and set up an interview with them. No matter how highly recommended, you can’t always tell if someone is a good fit for you until you talk and interact with them, right?

During the interview, you might want to ask them several questions like their background, their training/experience, how they’d handle certain situations like if your baby were to suddenly run a temperature (after all, infants have under-developed immune systems and anything can put them under the weather). 

Remember, this interview is to help you ascertain if the nanny you are hiring will be able to cope with all the duties that come with the term “confinement nanny” as well as whether or not they would be able to accommodate your specific needs. Needs, after all, differ from person to person. What may have worked splendidly for your friend or someone else, might not really gel with you.



The thing about a freelance nanny is that you are only ever interacting with that one nanny and contracting her. What happens if she is out due to illness?

Also, if you are contracting a local confinement nanny, then you won’t have to worry about the time consuming work permit application. Still, there’s no assurance of the nanny’s skills or experience regardless if you are hiring local or from other countries.

What happens if you are not happy with the nanny after hiring her? With a freelancer, you’d have to go through the entire process of looking, interviewing (and handling the work permit application if necessary), and then find out how they perform.

But hold on, you might be thinking, that’s the hard way…surely there has to be an easier way to do this whole confinement thing, right? Something was mentioned earlier about there being an “easy, breezy way to do things”.


Easy way

Yes, you are absolutely right. Let’s make things easier for you now and let you in on the more straightforward way of hiring a confinement nanny during COVID.


PEM Confinement Nanny Agency

Right off, we will let you in on a secret – with over 30 years of experience in the confinement business and a team of well over 400 active nannies, you will be hard pressed to not get a nanny with us!

Remember all those hassles we mentioned earlier? Don’t worry, we’ve taken care of them for you. All our highly trained nannies are chomping at the bit and ready to go! No need to worry about the work permits and no shows. We’ll take care of those for you because if your nanny isn’t up to your satisfaction, we’ll send over a free replacement for you. No need to go through any interview or application hassles.

In addition to all of that, we ensure that our nannies are all healthy and are required to go for health screenings so you and your family’s safety as well as health are all ensured.

If you trust word of mouth recommendations, that’s understandable. We have served over 25,000 highly satisfied mummies in Singapore, so, ask around and see how many bells our PEM Confinement Nanny Agency will ring! 


Closing words

Let’s recap today’s article. You can hire a confinement nanny by looking around and seeing anyone you know has a confinement lady to recommend, you could look online for a freelance confinement nanny, or you could sign up with our PEM Confinement Nanny Agency.

How to Hire a Confinement Nanny (2) PEM

Each of them will have their levels of ease and convenience. Of course, the last option would be the easiest on you since you won’t have to go through the time-consuming hassle of filling out application forms, contacting the nannies, vetting them, etc.So, if you are interested in knowing more about what we have to offer after your EDD, head on over to our website. We look forward to helping you breeze through your confinement!