How To Adjust To Your New Role As A Mother

Being a mom is most certainly not easy, and in fact can be far from it. Once you begin your new role as a mother, everything is new to you and you are probably often filled with mixed emotions. You would feel so blessed when your baby is smiling and interacting with you but sometimes the feelings of fear and doubts will come to you – which can lead to the negative feelings of guilt.

These are all normal, but there are ways to make yourself feel better. Let yourself rest and remember to take some time to pick yourself up when you feel down. Help is also all around you, so all that’s left is for you to reach them out. To help you adjust to your new role as a mother, here are the tips for new mom!

New Mother Friends - PEM

Spend Time With Your Mommy Friends

Most mothers may feel trapped by the new responsibilities and think no one can help. But always remember, there is a group of people who have also experienced what you are going through – your mommy friends! They will understand the hard time you go through and will selflessly share with you the tips and tricks that will help you on the motherhood journey and perhaps their postpartum recovery tips too!

Besides, there are a lot of platforms that you can always rely on. There are online forums or groups that allow moms who don’t know each other to exchange information. For example, they will share what products are useful to the baby and what you should take note of as a mom. And of course, you can always raise your doubts on the platform whenever you have any.

Give Yourself a Break

Although ‘mother’ is a new role you have attained, you still have to be yourself! Don’t always stress yourself to watch your baby 24/7. To be a strong mom, you should eat wisely and get enough rest. Make sure you are mentally and physically healthy so you can always be on standby to give your baby a positive growing environment.

Learn to give yourself a break by rewarding yourself a good meal or just spend time on your new interest. This way, you can feel more motivated and optimistic every day. Get a babysitter or try to ask other parents for help when you feel that you need to participate in a workshop or gathering but are not able to bring your baby along.

Share Responsibility With Your Partner

Speak out and let your partner know when you feel stressed out about being a spouse or a mother. Keep your relationship strong so you can help in being each other’s sources of strength.

Many new parents tend to keep the burden to themselves until they can’t hold it anymore. While some may wish to receive help without asking for it, it is not easy for others to know what you are mentally experiencing if you do not spell it out.

For example, you can discuss with your spouse and divide the feedings through the night so you can have better sleep quality and less likely to feel exhausted when you wake up in the morning.

Adjusting to the new parenting role can be easier when you can share the responsibility with the people closest to you.

Hire a Helping Hand

Feeling hopeless when calming your crying baby, ensuring sufficient milk supply, and getting through the sleepless nights? New moms often panic and feel demotivated when facing many ‘firsts’ in one go. At this stage, you may start to learn the importance of confinement nanny during your postpartum period.

Hiring a professional from a nanny agency in Singapore who can provide mother care Singapore mummies benefit from by taking care of both you and your baby, not only will this help speed up your recovery but can also keep you guided through the proper way of baby care.

For example, they would give you advice on the latching, breastfeeding, engorgement problem, and so on. On top of that, a trained and experienced nanny to render confinement care services would prepare your daily meals to ensure you are following a balanced diet.

You will feel more relieved to have a nanny by your side because she understands the tough time you are going through and can help to reduce the burden in time.

All in all, support is all around you, so do not feel like you are in it alone. Friends and family, online platform, and post maternity nanny Singapore services are among your best options to better adjust to your new role! Also, feel free to look through our site to see our confinement nanny recommendation testimonials written by the happy mummies we’ve served through the years.