What Is Pregnancy REALLY Like?

In our life, there are only a number of experiences that are as life-changing as pregnancy is. You go from good old usual you, to someone carrying another human being inside you — for 9 months. And that person is growing in you. 

While that is the difference that you can observe visually, there is so much more happening behind the scenes. Fair warning, some of these things may seem weird or strange, we assure you that it is perfectly normal for a woman to experience these things when going through pregnancy. In case you didn’t know what going through the 9 months with a tenant in your belly is like, we will reveal it to you right here!

Bloating everywhere!

One of the first and major changes you will go through in pregnancy is the bloating. All over. Your belly isn’t the only thing that bloats during pregnancy, as fluids build up in your body during pregnancy. It is believed that your body does this to enable your baby to absorb nutrients more effectively. Along with the fluids, gasses join the party as well, building up in your tummy and giving you belches frequently.

Loosening bones

We all know that when you are pregnant, you tend to get aches and pain in your joints and bones, back, and legs. But did you know that during pregnancy, your body releases a special hormone called Relaxin so that you wil…relax? Since the process of giving birth requires insane amounts of stretching of the pelvic bones. 

While you may feel slightly more flexible during this time, the increased amount of Relaxin is also the cause of back and joint pain, as they weaken and are less able to handle the weight of your body. Avoiding a lot of movement and heavy work can help with minimizing this pain.

Your breath now smells weird

Let’s face it. Now that you’re carrying another being inside of you, and are responsible for their survival and growth, the way that your mouth smells to others should be the least of your concerns. But it will happen. Why? Because of the good old hormonal imbalance.

It is believed that this imbalance in the hormonal content of your now pregnant body is conducive to the increased growth of odour-causing bacteria in your mouth. In more serious instances, gum bleeding could even occur. Remember to take care of your oral hygiene, even more so during pregnancy!

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Sweat, and more sweat!

Exercising. Being in hot conditions. Running. Rigorous physical activity. These are the things that we associate when we hear sweating. Not exactly things you would do when you’re pregnant. And yet there you lie, sweating and confused. The air-cond is turned down to a nice chill and it does not stop. Know that this is perfectly normal. 

While you may not be running a marathon, your body is working double-time, as it speeds up your metabolism rate. Your blood also flows at an increased rate during pregnancy. Combine these and that right there is all the explanation you need for why you are sweating so much.

While the above may seem daunting, trust us, it will be totally worth it once the 9 months are up and your baby is finally here! The only thing left to do after that is to get the best confinement nanny Singapore has to offer, from PEM Confinement Nanny Agency!