Breastfeeding Tips For A First-Time Mom

Breastfeeding is an amazing journey but also a process where moms are likely to face obstacles in the process. There are breastfeeding classes out there to support first-time moms but it is a journey that takes time and patient. Every mom won’t face the same situation but here is a general guide that a first-time mom can refer to for breastfeeding. 

Ensure Proper Positioning 

A proper breastfeeding position can make the process easier and quicker. Your baby should be positioned so their mouth is at the same level with your nipple and as far back into their mouth to reduce possible soreness. Also, try not only to latch on the nipple but the whole areola. Use your fingers to support your breast and bring your baby to your breast.

Let Your Baby Determine When to Nurse

While it is good to keep yourself prepared with a schedule, your baby understands their needs better than you. So, you don’t really need to follow any strict schedule and wake your baby up simply because 2 hours have passed. Just feed your baby when they wake up. Similarly, your baby would let you know how long to nurse. Don’t panic if the breastfeeding time lasts shorter or longer than average. Babies vary and some drink faster than others. 

Take Care of Your Body

You might be feeding your baby more than 10 times a day and each can take a long time. After each feeding, you can use a soft cloth to gently pat your nipple dry. You will need to use bra pads when the breastmilk leak in between the feedings. Do take note to change the pads frequently to reduce the risk of bacterial infection and to protect your nipple from getting sore. Try to reduce the amount of soap that will come in contact with your nipple and you can get the organic nipple butter from MumChecked if you have cracked nipples. 

You May Also Read this : Why Breastfeeding Is Beneficial And Essential For Your Baby


Engorgement happens when your breasts feel painful and hardening because you make more milk than your baby consumes. Engorgement can make it more difficult for your baby to breastfeed and you can try to massage your areola to express the breastmilk. A warm shower may also help on easier milk flow. To avoid engorgement, you may want to breastfeed your baby as often as possible. 

Rest & Stay Nourished

Breastfeeding can be exhausting as you might need to breastfeed once in 2-3 hours. And this means that you will need to frequently wake up in the middle of the night. So a small tip – sleep while your baby sleeps. Also, drink a lot of water as it is important to keep your milk supply enough. Remember to keep yourself nourished as your baby will be absorbing what you eat. Keep your eating habit healthy with a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Believe in Yourself

One of the most common breastfeeding tips that you have probably heard from an experienced mom is to “believe in yourself”. It is normal to feel exhausted and tired but don’t blame yourself and definitely do NOT think that you have failed as a mother! It is a journey that every mother will go through and moreover, you have done the toughest part which is to bring your little one to this world.

If you are a first-time mom and are totally unfamiliar with breastfeeding, you can seek help from a professional. You can opt for professional nanny services Singapore parents often seek and make sure they are skilled in their job scope. The well-trained and experienced nanny can provide tips on breastfeeding and they can guide you through your confinement period, ensuring a smoother postnatal journey.