Breastfeeding Guide For First-Time Moms

Books say your child will reflexively know to suckle and root in the direction of your breast when you easily lead them to it. And yet, if thousands of mothers’ experiences are any indicator, that is not always the case. In fact, all parts of breastfeeding were never really as simple as what’s written in any book, and if you’ve ever talked to more than a few moms who have breastfed before, you’ll know this is true.

Of course, this does not mean it will always be more complicated than you expect! Some fortunate moms do have an easier breastfeeding experience or do not find the difficulties as dreadful as expected. You might be among the lucky ones, so don’t immediately feel defeated by listening to others’ stories. Of course, this does not mean it will always be more complicated than you expect! Some fortunate moms do have an easier breastfeeding experience or do not find the difficulties as dreadful as expected. You might be among the lucky ones, so don’t immediately feel defeated by listening to others’ stories.

How to Know If My Baby Is Latching On Correctly? 

It isn’t always obvious when your baby is not latching on properly, so it is advisable to look for more signs. Here’s a simple table to help you recognise whether your little one is latching on correctly:

Signs of a Proper Latch Signs of a Poor Latch
Your baby’s mouth is wide open around your breast. Your baby’s lips are flanged. Your baby’s tongue is extended forward under your breast. Your baby’s chin touches the breast, and nose is free. You hear or see swallowing Your baby barely opens their mouth Your baby’s lips are curled inward Your baby’s tongue is kept behind their lower gum Your baby’s chin does not touch the breast Your baby is making clicking or smacking noises.

Which Breastfeeding Position Can I Use?

No matter which position you breastfeed in, support your baby at the level of your breast, with your baby’s head and body aligned. Here are some comfortable positions to feed your little one in:

Cradle Hold

Breastfeeding Cradle Hold Position - PEM Confinement

The cradle hold is the classic breastfeeding position. Sit up straight and support your baby with the arm on the same side as your nursing breast. Cradle your baby in your arm, with your baby’s head lying in the crook of your elbow and facing your breast.

Cross-Cradle Hold

Breastfeeding Cross-Cradle Hold Position - PEM Confinement

The cross-cradle hold is ideal for newborns. Sit up straight, hold your baby in the crook of your arm opposite the breast you’re feeding from (right arm for left breast, left arm for right breast), and support the baby’s head in your palm. Use your other free hand to shape your breast.

Football Hold

Breastfeeding Football Hold Position - PEM Confinement

Football hold is ideal if you are recovering from a C-Sec or you have large breasts. Tuck your baby beside you with your elbow bent. Use your forearm to support your baby’s back. Gently adjust your baby’s head towards your breast with your free hand. Use a pillow on your lap for more comfort.

Side-Lying Position

Breastfeeding Side-Lying Position - PEM ConfinementThe side-lying position is best when you are tired during night feeding or when you find it hard to sit up due to post-C-Sec wounds or stitches. Lie on your side next to your baby, supporting your baby with one hand to bring them close to your breast. Support your head with the other hand.

Let Your Baby Determine When to Nurse

While keeping yourself prepared with a schedule is good, your baby understands their needs better than you. So, you don’t need to follow any strict schedule and wake your baby up simply because 2 hours have passed. Just feed your baby when they wake up. Similarly, your baby would let you know how long to nurse. Don’t panic if the breastfeeding time lasts shorter or longer than average. Babies vary, and some drink faster than others. 

Take Care of Your Body

You might feed your baby more than 10 times a day, each taking a long time. After each feeding, you can use a soft cloth to pat your nipple dry gently. You must use bra pads when the breast milk leaks between the feedings. Do note to change the pads frequently to reduce the risk of bacterial infection and protect your nipple from getting sore. Try to reduce the amount of soap that will come in contact with your nipple, and you can get the organic nipple butter from MumChecked if you have cracked nipples. 


Engorgement happens when your breasts feel painful and hardened because you make more milk than your baby consumes. Engorgement can make it more difficult for your baby to breastfeed, and you can try to massage your areola to express the breast milk. A warm shower may also help with more effortless milk flow. To avoid engorgement, you may want to breastfeed your baby as often as possible. 

How Do I Stimulate Breast Milk Production?

Breastfeeding is the primary method that stimulates breast milk production, mainly due to the suckling effect of your baby. When there is ‘demand’, there’s supply. Understandably, there might come a time when little ‘demand’ exists, especially if your baby is not latching on correctly. The good news is that you can try many methods until you find one (or more) that works for you!

  • Use Breast Pumps
  • Switch Breastfeeding From Both Sides of Your Breasts
  • Massage Your Breasts
  • Consume More Galactagogues/Foods That Can Boost Lactation
  • Enjoy Some Lactation Cookies/Bakes

And that’s about it! We hope these will be helpful for you as you embark on your beautiful breastfeeding journey! It may not always be easy, but watching your little one grow from the nutrition they get from you is worth it. You can opt for professional nanny services Singapore parents often seek to ensure they are skilled in their job scope.  That said, your health and well-being still matter the most. If any pain or difficulties are preventing you from conveniently breastfeeding, make sure to give yourself time to recover from it. There is no harm in giving formula milk to your baby; it is still very much nutritious to boost their growth. At PEM Confinement Nanny Agency, our experienced nannies are professionally trained to assist new mothers in their lactation journeys. You can read some confinement nanny agency reviews on our Facebook page to learn how we help new mothers.  Our nannies will also take care of nighttime feeding and help burp your little one to give you ample rest. More importantly, they will share essential skills and tips for caring for your newborn. If you’d like to know more about our confinement Singapore services, we are reachable daily at +65 6293 9249, 10 am—7 pm. We wish you all the best in your parenthood journey!