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8 Breast Care Tips for Nursing Mums

1. Find the Perfect Bra
Finding the perfect bra plays a crucial part, especially in a mummy’s daily lifestyle. You would not want to put on something that looks nice but is not comfortable for you in the long run. It is important for you to understand that your breast size tends to get bigger as it becomes engorged with milk; therefore, it is important to have a nursing bra that fits in properly.
Nursing bras are very user-friendly, as they can be adjusted to your changing breast size to ensure the blood in your breast soft tissue flows regularly. Try to avoid underwire bras as much as possible, as they may put too much pressure on your milk ducts, which may lead to mastitis. Mastitis is a breast inflammation usually caused by infection. It can leave mummies feeling very tired and run down.
2. Keep Them Clean
Every part of our body needs that extra love and care, especially when you have your breasts putting in the work to feed your babies. It is also important to prioritise hygiene when it comes to breastfeeding, as there is a higher risk of infection when you are lactating.
The basics are: always wash your hands before breastfeeding or touching your breast in general, as our hands carry the most bacteria. Avoid washing your nipples with soap, as it removes natural oil and will only create irritated skin that causes dryness. You can always clean your breasts regularly with just warm water.
3. Learn to Feed Properly
Knowing how to feed your baby correctly can avoid many different breast problems, such as sore nipples, engorgement, plugged ducts, and even mastitis. The basic thing to be assured of is that your baby latches on correctly with the whole nipple in his or her mouth along with a large area of your areola.
Never ever pull your baby off forcefully from your breast when you want to break the suction. You can always end your baby’s breastfeeding by putting your clean finger in the corner of your baby’s mouth to break the suction.
Understandably, all this takes practice, and you might need an extra hand to teach you how to feed your baby. Hiring an experienced confinement lady will help guide you through your breastfeeding journey. At PEM, our confinement nannies are experienced and well-trained to guide you on how to breastfeed and take care of your breasts.
4. Feed Regularly
It helps to have a regular feeding schedule for your breastfeeding. It is recommended to have 8 to 12 feedings per day as it helps reduce engorgement in addition to building a new schedule for your newborn. Feeding both breasts equally also helps to balance them out. Some babies have their preferences on which side to feed from. Hence, you may try to offer your baby different sides of your breast and monitor how they feed.
5. Look Into Breast Pads
Breast pads help as they add a layer to prevent your milk from leaking through your shirt. You need to ensure that you change your breast pads frequently as soon as they are wet for basic hygiene purposes as well. Other than that, breast pads help to decrease soreness in your nipples, reduce thrush and lower your chance of developing mastitis as well.
6. Use Moisturisers
You need to keep your breast area well moisturised to avoid painful, dry and cracked nipples. Apart from using a moisturiser, you can also try massaging your nipples and areola with your breast milk to keep it moisturised. Also, you can get some special cream targeted for nipples. Do not use harsh chemicals or additives that might harm your skin or your breastfed baby.
7. Don’t Skip Breast Exams
Always have a regular breast exam as one of the main items on your checklist. Especially when lactation might cause blocked ducts or lumps to form in your breasts, it’s also essential for you to check the condition of your breasts regularly, and if you feel anything unusual, be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor and get professional advice.
8. Discuss Soreness With Your Doctor
While you are visiting your doctor, do inform the doctor of any nipple soreness that persists upon breastfeeding. Doctors will recommend safe products that do not clog your milk ducts.
But How Do I Breastfeeding When Sick?
As a mother, there may come a time when you find yourself feeling under the weather or battling an illness while breastfeeding. It can be a challenging situation to navigate, but with the proper guidance and support, you can continue to breastfeed your baby while taking care of your health. Here, we will share some valuable tips from confinement nannies to help you breastfeed successfully when sick.
Practise Good Hygiene
When you’re ill, it is important to maintain good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of germs to your baby. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before each feeding session. If you have respiratory symptoms, consider wearing a mask while breastfeeding to minimise the risk of transmission. Additionally, regularly clean and disinfect any breastfeeding equipment, such as breast pumps, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Stay Hydrated and Well-Nourished
Illness can take a toll on your body, so it is crucial to stay hydrated and nourished to support your recovery and milk production. Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, herbal teas, and clear soups, to stay hydrated. Maintain a balanced diet with nutritious foods that are easy to digest, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Consult a healthcare professional for specific dietary recommendations based on your condition.
Rest and Prioritise Self-sare
When you’re unwell, it is essential to prioritise rest and self-care to aid your recovery. Adequate rest can help boost your immune system and facilitate faster healing. Take advantage of nap times or seek support from family members or a confinement nanny to allow yourself to rest and recover. Remember, taking care of your health is required to care for your baby.
Seek Medical Advice
If you are unsure about the safety of breastfeeding while sick or need guidance on managing your specific condition, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide you with personalised advice and treatment options compatible with breastfeeding. Be open and transparent about your breastfeeding journey so they can tailor their recommendations to your unique situation.
Consider Medications and Their Compatibility with Breastfeeding
Certain medications may be necessary to manage your illness. It is advised to consult a healthcare professional knowledgeable about breastfeeding to ensure that any medications prescribed are compatible with breastfeeding. They can guide you on the appropriate dosage, timing, and potential side effects. In some cases, alternative medications or safe breastfeeding treatments may be recommended.
Seek Emotional Support
You are dealing with an illness while breastfeeding can be emotionally challenging. Contact your support network, whether your partner, family, friends or a lactation consultant, to share your concerns and seek emotional support. If you are staying at a confinement centre or have a confinement nanny by your side, they can be your pillar of support in times of sickness and when you need someone. They can offer reassurance, practical advice, or an empathetic ear to help you navigate this period.
Remember, breastfeeding provides your baby with numerous health benefits, including essential antibodies and immune-boosting properties. In most cases, continuing to breastfeed while sick is safe and can even offer additional protection for your baby. However, consult a healthcare professional promptly if you have concerns or your condition worsens.
We hope that all these tips are helpful for our fellow mummies who are on their breastfeeding journey and that they help make breastfeeding a more fulfilling experience for you.
Giving birth soon? If you are looking for an experienced and trusted confinement nanny service to help you with confinement care, newborn care and breastfeeding guidance, we at PEM Confinement Nanny Agency are here for you.
Different from confinement centre Singapore service, we offer in-home confinement nanny packages to give you and your newborn the best care in the comfort of your home. On top of providing breastfeeding guidance, our confinement nanny can help with tasks such as cooking nutritious confinement food for you, doing basic house chores, and taking care of the baby. At the same time, you get the ample rest to recover.
Not only that, but our Chinese confinement nanny course is comprehensive and thorough. All of our nannies undergo certified training reviewed by an expert that covers a wide range of services from postpartum care to breastfeeding to hygiene and health, all of which are vital when you are sick and need to breastfeed. So come on over to PEM to try out our Chinese confinement nanny course for yourself.
To learn more about our confinement nanny Singapore service, call us at +65 6293 9249 (reachable from 10 am to 7 pm daily).