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7 Steps You Can Take to Increase Milk Supply

Is your baby getting enough milk? For new moms, these might be one of the questions you are worried about, and it is totally normal.
Here are seven natural approaches you can take to boost and maintain your milk supply!
Take Well-Balanced Meal
Breastfeeding moms need to take an extra 500 calories per day. Just eat a well-balanced diet, including nutritious food and protein-rich food such as oatmeal.
As a new mom, you need to deal with two new bodies (you and your baby).
Singapore is also rich in unique herbs that are said to help promote a nursing mom’s breast milk production. Fenugreek is an amazing seed used in cooking, and it has a positive effect on milk production. Consulting a medical doctor is advisable before using any herbal supplements during the lactation period.
Therefore, try to eat a little better when you are breastfeeding or breast pump. This makes the baby want to suckle more, emptying the breast and thus creating space for more milk. Or you may seek advice from confinement food services or hire a day time confinement nanny around you.
Latch Your Baby Correctly
Make sure your baby is latched on properly is one of the most efficient ways to boost and maintain breast milk supply.
When you latch your baby correctly during breastfeeding, it stimulates your body to produce more.
Make sure your baby is comfortable with the position. Make sure you are comfortable too! You may use a pillow or bolster to support your back or arms.
Stay Hydrated
Breast milk is made up of about 90% water. The exact amount of water every individual takes may vary.
However, breastfeeding moms should take at least six to eight glasses of water (or other healthy liquid, such as milk, healthy juice) per day.
Signs that you are not hydrated enough are: dry mouth, headache or feel dizzy. Stay hydrated helps to produce the right amount of breast milk and for your own health too.
Feed Longer
Milk production operates very similarly to a demand-supply market system.
The more time your baby spends on the breast, the more stimulation you are getting. When your breast milk is empty, your body will receive the message and stimulate the production of milk.
When feeding moms feed their babies for a longer time, the baby will get all the foremilk (breastmilk at the beginning-contains lower fat) and hindmilk (breastmilk at the end-contains higher fat), which is good for their development.
Breastfeed From Both Sides
During the first few weeks of breastfeeding, alternate breasts at each feeding can produce more milk for your newborn baby who needs to gain weight.
As your baby grows and your milk supply is established, you are recommended to follow your baby’s needs and ability.
If your baby has a preference towards one side of your breasts while breastfeeding, it’s OK too! You are still able to provide essential health supplies to your baby from either side.
When nursing your baby, it is advisable to massage the breasts close to your chest and more so towards the nipple. Allow the newborn to breastfeed from the massaged breast and repeat this with the other one.
Massaging promotes blood flow creating more space for more milk. This is a natural way of getting rid of chest pains especially if the mother has not breastfed the baby for many hours.
Use Breast Pumps
Another way to boost your milk supply is to use a breast pump.
A quality breast pump is an essential tool for a nursing mom. It is very useful especially for moms that need to maintain milk supply at home and work. You may use it during the first few weeks of your breastfeeding journey and after or in between your breastfeeding sessions.
Remember, the more empty your breasts are, the more milk you can produce. You may also add a pumping session after your breast milk flow stops.
Get Enough Rest
New moms should also keep in mind that extra energy can boost healthy milk production. So, don’t forget to take care of yourself too!
Take a short nap or relax for a while when your baby is sleeping. Exhaustion may lead to a negative effect on your milk production.
Also, it is totally fine to ask for help if you are having a hard and stressful time. Consider hiring a profession is totally worth it. Getting a Chinese confinement nanny may help you in your new mom journey!
Pro tip: PEM can help you in that area with qualified and highly trained confinement nannies who can give you tips garnered over 30 years of experience helping mothers in confinement. From handling issues as simple as confinement nanny sleeping arrangement issues to giving guidance for breastfeeding and even tips to help increase milk supply, PEM Confinement Nanny Agency has you covered!